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BizExpo is a platform that provides free business information sharing and counseling services
BY admin2022-08-19 18:45:49

BizExpo is a platform that provides business information sharing, consultation arrangement service, and various exhibition information among domestic companies.

It provides opportunities for mutual communication through real-time business matching (consultation arrangement) service and communication functions, and provides various services such as customized company search and online exhibition hall opening promotion for free.

The functions are differentiated according to the purpose of each subscription by dividing them into general members (demanders, suppliers) members, and corporate members (suppliers, consumers).

Corporate members can open technology and "product information" and "exhibition hall" registration, and general members can share business information with each other through registration of "direct transaction" proposals.

With various communication tool functions, various services are provided for the first meeting of our companies, from "real-time chat consultation", "questioning (e-mail, text notification)" to "apply for reservation of counseling schedule".

Free use of functions necessary for business operations, such as registering transaction information #registration of product information #message #transaction system #customized information setting, etc

In addition, it is possible to check detailed supplier information through the opening of a virtual booth like an offline exhibition, and at the same time, it provides services such as requesting a consultation reservation.

Notification) To deliver real-time business messages, we are launching the "Viz Expo Alert" mobile app (Android version).

*Refer to separate notice

I would like to add that all services are provided free of charge except for the "Advertising" paid service.

# Please proceed with the "member registration" procedure to use the service

# Check out the additional "Biz Expo" introduction! (click)

#Opening an online exhibition hall (approval as a member subscription payment point) free of charge

Then, please contact the customer center for any problems that occur while using BizExpo and we will try to provide the best service.

Thank you.

Operator KOFAIR

T. 82-31-380-6805

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